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One Treatment Eliminates Many Skin Conditions Around the Eyes
One Treatment Eliminates Many Skin Conditions Around the Eyes
Under-Eye Bags
Eye Wrinkles
Dark Circles
Puffy and Droopy Eyes
Excessive Fat
Collagen Loss
· 英國BTL原廠生產
· 「Ultra 360™ 膠原科技」單極射頻 + 超聲波
· 170 瓦特最高輸出公率
· 360°全方位眼部探頭
· 3D環迴立體滲透
· 有效控制溫度
· 激活肌底膠原蛋白增生
· 一次過解決4大眼周問題
1.眼袋 2.眼紋
3.眼部鬆弛 4.眼部浮腫
Upgraded Ultra 360™
“Monopolar Radiofrequency X Ultrasound”
Upgraded Probe
Monopolar Radiofrequency X Ultrasound
Maximum Output of 170 Watts 最高輸出公率
Temperature Control 控制溫度
360° Simultaneous Energy Output 同步輸出
Upgraded Ultra 360™
“Monopolar Radiofrequency X Ultrasound”
Upgraded Probe
Upgraded Effect
Upgraded Effect
360° Stimulation of Collagen Regeneration膠原再生
Improve the Condition of Saggy Skin鬆弛問題
Immediate Effects即時效果
Long-lasting Tightening Effects緊緻效果
Upgraded Experience
Upgraded Experience
No Anaesthesia Needed
NoRecovery Period
Improved Temperature Control溫度控制
More Comfortable舒適度
4 Major Advantages of BTL Exilis Ultra 360™ Eye Treatment
4 Major Advantages of BTL Exilis Ultra 360™ Eye Treatment
1. Deeper Energy Penetration Penetrates 30% more than the regular ones
2. FDA and CE Approved The world’s only FDA approved monopolar radiofrequency with ultrasound technology
3. Improved 360° Eye Probe Better temperature control More comfortable and 360° stimulation of collagen regeneration
4. Safer, No Recovery Period It is safer than other traditional under-eye bag treatments such as eye-bags surgery or implant injection etc. 注射填充物等更安全地達到效果
1. Deeper Energy Penetration Penetrates 30% more than the regular ones
2. FDA and CE Approved The world’s only FDA approved monopolar radiofrequency with ultrasound technology
3. Improved 360° Eye Probe Better temperature control More comfortable and 360° stimulation of collagen regeneration
4. Safer, No Recovery Period 相對其他傳統眼袋療程,如開刀手術 或 注射填充物等更安全地達到效果
Exilis Comparisons
Exilis Comparisons
Name | Exilis Ultra 360 | Exilis Elite | Exilis Pro |
Made in | UK | UK | UK |
Energy Output | 120W (XP)
170W (Large)170W (Large) |
120W (XP) 170W (Large)170W (Large) | 160W (XP) 90W (Large)90W (Large) |
System | The fastest radiofrequency on market. It has more effects with the 360° eye probe
改良360°全方位眼部探頭 |
Old version | Old version |
FDA Approved | Yes
Monopolar radiofrequency
<單極射頻,結合 |
Yes Monopolar radiofrequency <單極射頻> | Yes Monopolar radiofrequency <單極射頻> |
Applicable Areas | Special probe which clings onto the eye safely
安全緊貼眼部位置 |
Probe is not applicable in area that is too close to the eye眼週部位 | Probe is not applicable in area that is too close to the eye眼週部位 |
Name | Exilis Ultra 360 | Exilis Elite | Exilis Pro |
Made in | UK | UK | UK |
Energy Output | 120W (XP)
170W (Large)170W (Large) |
120W (XP) 170W (Large)170W (Large) | 160W (XP) 90W (Large)90W (Large) |
System | 市面上最快射頻療程
更多療程功效 |
Old version | Old version |
FDA Approved | Yes
Monopolar radiofrequency
超聲波交融輸出技術 |
Yes Monopolar radiofrequency單極射頻 | Yes Monopolar radiofrequency單極射頻 |
Applicable Areas | 眼部專用探頭
安全緊貼眼部位置 |
Probe is not applicable in area that is too close to the eye眼週部位 | Probe is not applicable in area that is too close to the eye眼週部位 |